Catégorie : WIP

  • Color, you say color ?

    Color, you say color ?

    As I say during my exhibitions an art photography is a piece of art made of materials. Even if there are millions of pictures on screens, it is a really different point of view to see an art photography in the real world. If you take the blue pill, as I do, then you have…

  • Expo La Gourmandise : les photos sont prêtes / photographies are ready for the Exhibition

    Expo La Gourmandise : les photos sont prêtes / photographies are ready for the Exhibition

    Les photos sont prêtes à être exposées. La semaine prochaine a lieu l’accrochage et le matériel est prêt. Une exposition se doit d’être cohérente et esthétique, c’est toujours un challenge intéressant de faire vivre ses oeuvres dans un lieu !   My photographies are ready to be hooked next week, and all the accessories are…

  • Working on my new e-shop

    I’m working on my new shop. The objectives are to present different prints with an easy way to buy it. That is a great task because you have to think about many things ! Just wait few days and you will see the first items online.

  • 7 steps to prepare my next exhibition / 7 étapes pour préparer ma prochaine expo

    Preparing an exhibition is a creative activity. As a fine art photographer I have to choose the pictures, the paper, the size of my fine art photographies. I will show approximately 30 pictures, most will never have been seen in an exhibition before. Here is the workflow : I take my picture and choose the…

  • Preparing my next exhibition, firsts announcements by cultural websites

    Preparing my next exhibition, firsts announcements by cultural websites

      Next january I will have a personal exhibition in Fontainebleau. I am very excited about it. I am working on this to make it a great moment of meeting. The announcement is already online on these sites :